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Homemade Juice For Toddlers

Posted February 15th, 2012

Best Juicers for Juicing for ToddlersToddlers are known for being finicky and picky regarding new foods and activities. One area of nutrition that is not a battle is juice. Any and every toddler loves juice. Unfortunately, most store-bought juices are either composed of cups of sugar, or artificial sweeteners. Replacing these sugary drinks with at-home juicing recipes made with your juicer can ensure that your child gets the same nutritional benefits that adults receive from a juicing diet.  (more…)

Celebrating Valentine’s Day with Juice

Posted February 7th, 2012

Valentine Day Juicing with Best JuicerValentine’s Day  is the focal holiday of the month, and what better way to celebrate than with the traditional colors of the day of love. Beets are at their peak during February and March and can add a red or pinkish shade to make any juicing recipe more festive.

Beets are one of the most powerful vegetables as is their juice. The concentration of calcium, sodium, vitamin A and vitamin B-6 are known to help with bladder and liver ailments. Beet juice can also assist in bring relief to menopause symptoms, menstrual problems, assist in skin health and regeneration, and help speed up and maintain weight loss.  (more…)

Juicing Superfoods Part 1 of 4

Posted January 23rd, 2012

Superfood Juice Extractor and JuicerSuperfoods are the surest way to maintain the best health possible. Using your juicer or juice extractor guarantees that you will receive all of the amazing vitamins and nutrients contained in superfoods. Green superfoods contain the highest concentrations of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and fat burning compounds. By juicing these superfoods, you are increasing this concentration and increasing all the benefits to your health.  (more…)

Greens as the Star Ingredient

Posted January 11th, 2012

Juicer for Juicing Leafy Green VegetablesMost New Year’s resolution lists will have “eating healthier” near the top of the list. The easiest way to implement your healthy resolution is through the regular use of a juicer. Possibly the healthy ingredient you can put in your juice extractor is dark leafy greens. Juicing greens is an excellent route to consuming your needed quantities of vitamin A, C, K, folate and chlorophyll. (more…)

Juicer Myths

Posted January 6th, 2012

Best Juicer-Oklife 9-Speed Stainless Steel Juice ExtractorFinding and purchasing the best juicer for your needs can be a daunting task. The health benefits of juicing are unparalleled and these benefits can be magnified with the right juicer or juice extractor. When beginning your juicer-search, be sure to steer clear of numerous myths regarding the use and purchase of your juicer.

Myth #1 Juicers are difficult to use.
Untrue. Juicers are one of the simplest machines to use in the kitchen. You simply plug it in, turn it on and juice away. Just be sure to check your glass or pitcher periodically so you don’t overflow when juicing.  (more…)

Juicing for Weight Loss? Fruits vs. Vegetables

Posted January 4th, 2012

Best Juicer for Weight LossAfter the holidays comes the inevitable dive back into the healthy pool. Holiday meals, brunches and treats are hard to say no to and it’s only once a year, right? The start of the New Year is also a time for resolutions. One of the most popular is weight loss and healthy eating. Hopefully, Santa brought you an OKlife juice extractor, the best juicer on the market, to help jump start your weight loss regimen. 

When starting a juicing diet, consider the two most basic forms of juice: Vegetable juice and fruit juice. Both have their own set of benefits depending on the ingredients used.  (more…)

January Freshness

Posted January 2nd, 2012

Best Juicer for Juicing January Fruits and VeggiesVariety and freshness is the key to becoming great friends with your juice extractor. While January may not seem like the most abundant month for juicing options, there are some key players that are at their prime during the New Year. Citrus fruits are the first ingredient that comes to mind for January juicing freshness. Being so high in vitamin C, citrus fruits are a perfect key ingredient for any juicing recipe and diet.  (more…)

Little Known Ways to Achieve a Healthy Skin

Posted November 11th, 2011

Juicer for Healthy Skin - JuicingThe most significant skin rebuilding nutrients are found abundantly in fresh vegetables, because they are rich in minerals and vitamins. The high content of vitamins and minerals not only give you healthy looking skin, but also help you to get rid of the impurities and toxins that obstruct the skin regeneration process.

Green vegetable juices are vital to achieve healthy looking skin. Green juices are rich in chlorophyll, while its molecular structure is very similar to that of hemoglobin. This helps it to perform minute transfusions for blood, as well as also acting as a super tonic for brain, skin and immune system. Juicing green vegetables is a great way to induce a variety of minerals, vitamins, enzymes and proteins.  (more…)

Now You Can Eat Fruits & Veggies With Ease

Posted November 6th, 2011

Best Juicer for Juicing There are various benefits associated with juicing vegetables and fruits. Both vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients and phytonutrients. Being antioxidant in nature, the juice of these fruits and vegetables can fulfill much of your daily nutritional requirements.

Health experts suggest the consumption of 6 to 8 servings of different fruits and vegetables everyday. Contrarily, only a few of us follow this. Juicing fruits and vegetables is an easy way to induce all these benefits into your body. (more…)

Why Drink Vegetable Juices?

Posted October 17th, 2011

Best Vegetable juicer for JuicingMany people hate eating vegetables. Also the idea of drinking vegetable juice is a put-off for most people. After all compared to fruits, vegetables are not sweet and they simply look weird when you are done juicing them! At the end of the day though, we can’t avoid the fact that vegetables are an important part of our diet and are highly beneficial for our health. Therefore we must find a way to sneak them into our diet. If you hate eating vegetables then you should seriously consider drinking vegetable juice!

After all, drinking juice only takes a minute, if you drink it in a gulp. But eating vegetables actually requires you to chew it. People who enjoy eating vegetables can try different juice recipes to really gain the best out of vegetables. Why? Fresh vegetable juice is easy to digest and assimilate. Here are some health benefits of drinking vegetable juices: (more…)


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