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Cantaloupe – A Fruit High In Nutrition

Posted July 6th, 2011

Best Juicer for Fruits and VeggiesA phrase like “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away” makes us focus on common fruits like apple, orange or banana that we forget nutritious fruits like cantaloupe. Cantaloupe is also known as mush melon, rock melon and spanspek. It originates from India and Africa. It is very surprising to know that the Center for Science ranked cantaloupe on the top for its nutritional value. Makes you wonder where the expression “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” originates from because the apple didn’t even rank second. Cantaloupe was followed closely by watermelon and then oranges. 

This is why you should include cantaloupe in your diet to gain the benefits it provides. It is high in vitamins and minerals plus it tastes great. People watching their waist line can also have it as it is low in calories. Apart from its nutrition value, it also helps in a number of the following health issues:

Cantaloupe contains beta-carotenes which is a powerful agent that fights against cancer. The American Cancer Society especially recommends cantaloupe for intestinal cancer and skin cancer known as melanoma. It also has vitamin A which helps fight off larynx, esophagus and lung cancer.  

It is good for your kidney
Cantaloupe is loaded with superoxide dismutase that is in an extract called oxykine. Studies support that this extract helps decrease cell damage caused in the kidney by diabetes.

It has an enzyme that is important in cell defense
This fruit also contains an enzyme known as Superoxide Dismutases or SOD’s. This enzyme is powerful in cell defense and helps in breaking down super oxides. It prevents inflammation.

It is good for your heart health
Cantaloupe also contains adenosine, B complex juggernauts like folate and B6 that keeps heart diseases at bay.

Drinking cantaloupe juice on a boiling day can have a cooling effect and is also very refreshing. Here is a cantaloupe juice recipe that you can try juicing:

1 cantaloupe
1 lemon
5 ice cubes (add after juicing)
Dash of cinnamon (add after juicing)


Peel the cantaloupe. Cut and juice using your power juicer. Pour the juice into a mug and serve. You can add ice cubes to the juiced cantaloupe if you want it chilled and a dash of cinnamon to taste.
Have this healthy juice with your family or friends to cool off on a summer morning.


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