Juicer and Juice Extractors
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Juicing Before Workout

Posted August 23rd, 2012

Best Juicer for WorkoutIt is very common for most people to refrain from eating prior to a workout. The reality is that our body needs food to energize us before a workout. This is where  fruits and vegetables come in very handy as a pre-workout meal. Fruits and vegetables contain complex carbohydrates, nutrients, minerals and vitamins that give the muscles in the body the ability to have a consistent amount of energy that will last through the whole workout. 

The best way to get the nutrients from fruits and veggies immediately before a workout is to use a juice extractor. In just seconds, using your juicer, you can consume the necessary nutrients required prior to your workout.

Here is some stamina building juicing recipes to drink before a workout. The main juicing ingredients are carrot and beetroot; both of these veggies contain antioxidants to protect and energize the body during a workout.

Carrot Juice
4 carrots
1 clove of garlic
1 teaspoon of powdered ginseng (optional)

Run the ingredients through your juicer and drink!

Beetroot Juice
1 or 2 beets
1 apple

Feed the ingredients in your juice extractor and drink!


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