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Pomegranate Juice

Posted November 19th, 2012

Best Fruit Juicer and Juice ExtractorThis is the season for pomegranate. Pomegranate fruit is packed with anti-oxidants such as vitamins C and K, pantothenic acid, potassium and folate for protecting us from various infections, neurological disorders and cardiovascular diseases. Drinking pomegranate juice will help cleanse the heart and improve blood circulation throughout the body. Due to the health promoting characteristics of pomegranate, regular consumption is an effective way of maintaining a disease free life. 

To juice pomegranate in a juicer, you will need to prepare it by carefully picking out the ruby-red seeds. Once you have picked out the seeds you can then run the seeds through your juicer or juice extractor to extract the rich juice.

Luscious Pomegranate Juice Recipe
1 whole pomegranate (seeds only)
1 carrot
1 small cucumber

Run all ingredients through your juicer and enjoy!


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