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Why Juice?

Posted March 23rd, 2012

Best Juicer for Juicing For those who are new to juicing, and maybe even a few juicing veterans, the most popular question asked regarding a juice diet, is “why”. What benefits does juicing have and why juice over eating the ingredients whole. Juicing is not a new trend, but has gotten more publicity in the recent future. Juicing is a simple way to provide your body with the basic nutrition needed and desired for a healthy life. The potency of juicing is where the benefits lie.  (more…)

Cabbage Juice – St. Patty’s Day

Posted March 14th, 2012

Best Juicer for Juicing Cabbage juiceSt. Patrick’s Day is celebrated by all ages and especially by everyone who loves the color green. Green beer, green foods, and tons of ham equals a metabolism and nutrition levels that will be out of balance. Juicing in the days prior to and after any holiday you expect to “cheat” on your healthy eating are perfect ways to protect and restore your health.

Incorporating cabbage into your juicer routine will help make all your recipes festive. In addition to the festivities, you are bringing concentrated nutrients into your diet. Juicing cabbage ensures the levels of vitamins and minerals found in the juice will be at maximum value with little “fillers.” (more…)

Exotic Winter Fruit Month

Posted March 12th, 2012

Best Juicer for Juicing FruitsMarch has been deemed the official month of exotic fruits by the CDC. The trend toward exotic fruits is becoming obvious at most supermarkets. Finding fruits to juice that you haven’t tried can be a goal of your next juicing round to maintain juicing variety. Since the southern hemisphere is experiencing their summer while we have our winter, their produce is at its prime during the cold months. Juicing exotic fruits now will ensure a true flavor as well as a bit of spontaneity.  (more…)

March Juicing Ideas

Posted March 2nd, 2012

Best Vegetable Juicer and Juice ExtractorMarch is a teaser month. It’s not yet warm enough for plentiful produce and the winter selection is wearing thin. Juicing not only requires discipline, but also requires variety and a constant ability to “change things up”. Using the same juicing recipes over and over will cause “juicing fatigue” and will likely put an end to one of the most healthy habits you will practice this year. With a little creativity, you can easily get through the colder months and spring will be here, with plenty of products to juice.  (more…)


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