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Staying Healthy with Different Nutritious Drinks

Posted September 29th, 2011

Juicing Fruits and vegetables with JuicerJuices are not only refreshing on a hot tiring day but they also reawaken your taste buds. One should try to include healthy juices in one’s life as it is easy to digest and assimilate which is very good for your body. Drinking fresh juice is not only a great way to start the day but it can also revitalize you during the day. It also improves your energy level, strengthens your immune system and provides you important nutrients like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Important antioxidants help fight diseases like cancer, heart diseases and obesity. (more…)

Tips on How to Include Fruits and Veggies in the Family Menu

Posted June 22nd, 2011
Juicer, Juice Extractor - Juicing fruits and veggiesNot many of us plan our daily menu and ensure intake of enough healthy food to get the required nourishment. Our chaotic routine does not spare time to prepare nourishing meals so we end up taking junk food, which has a deteriorating impact on our health. It is highly recommended to include fresh fruits and vegetables in daily meals to get a balanced diet and strengthen the biological systems. (more…)

The Miracles of Carrot Juice

Posted June 8th, 2011

Carrot Juice JuicerThe notion that carrots are the goldmine of vitamins and minerals is true in the literal sense. If we were to count the therapeutic effects of any vegetable, carrot would probably be the leading vegetable with maximum health benefits. Apart from nutritional values, carrots can be added to both fruit and vegetable juices as taste enhancers. (more…)

Fruits & Vegetables – Nourishment for Everyone

Posted June 3rd, 2011

Enjoy summer  fruits and veggies with a juicerEvery season brings with it some amazing, tasty and colorful fruits and vegetables. However, summer is the time to enjoy everything it offers. This is the time when fruits and vegetables taste their best. Everyone including kids and adults enjoy their flavors without realizing their importance and the nourishment they provide. As you read further, you will find out why you need to eat fruits and vegetables. (more…)

Beat High Blood Pressure with Beetroot Juice

Posted May 28th, 2011

Beetroot Juicer and Juice ExtractorThe actual reasons for high blood pressure or hypertension are yet to be known. But what is known is the fact that it is a threatening health condition that can be the precursor of other heart and cardiovascular ailments. In some cases, it can even lead to heart failure.

At present around 25% of the world’s population has high blood pressure and the percentage will increase to an alarming 29% by 2025. Hypertension in turn leads to stroke and coronary heart diseases. Thus high blood pressure can be a life threatening situation. Although medications control this condition, there is a home remedy that can do wonders to keep your blood pressure in check. (more…)

Why Green Juices Are Ideal For Health

Posted May 12th, 2011

Juicer  for Green JuicesFor some reason kids have a natural fear of green. They will shy away from everything green whether it’s for eating or drinking. Yet there are people who are becoming aware of the health benefits of green vegetables and incorporating them in their diet. The green color implies purity and this is exactly what green juice does. It is responsible for the cleansing and detoxifying of our internal system. (more…)

The Importance of Eating Fresh Vegetables

Posted December 17th, 2010


Vegetable juicer for juicingWe all know that adding vegetables to our diet can be beneficial to our health. But, do we know that eating fresh vegetables is actually way more beneficial than eating canned or frozen vegetables? Think about it – today our lives are so busy that we don’t even think of taking care of ourselves. Canned food has become an essential part of our lives. As soon as we are advised to consume vegetables, we go and grab the cans. What we don’t know is that by doing that we are doing no good to our health. To a certain level canned vegetables are good but their potential of being healthy is lost due to the additives. For this very reason, it is recommended to always consume fresh vegetables. (more…)

Best Vegetables for Good Health

Posted December 9th, 2010

Best Juicer for good health
Including vegetables in your diet can really benefit your health regardless of the stage of life you are at. Think about it – people with heart diseases, cancer, and other deadly diseases are recommended to eat more and more vegetables, why? Simply because vegetables are rich in vitamins and other necessary nutrients which our bodies need in order to stay healthy. Whether you eat cooked vegetables, use a vegetable juice extractor or eat them raw, they can for sure be beneficial. (more…)

Health Benefits of Juicing Vegetables

Posted December 4th, 2010

Best Vegetable Juicer-Oklife Juicer

Since childhood we are told to eat as many raw vegetables we can but do we do it? To be honest, we don’t and some of us really can’t because many of the vegetables really taste weird if you try to eat them raw. So what’s the solution to it? The solution is to get yourself a good vegetable juice extractor so that you get all the nutrients of fresh raw vegetables without the need of eating them raw.  (more…)


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